Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp
Benny Lewis Shannon Kennedy

The next Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp
starts on November 4th, 2024.

Reserve your spot today.

With Bootcamp, we guarantee you’ll be ready to have a 15-minute conversation in your target language after just 90 days.

Reserve your spot in Bootcamp here:

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Bootcamp starts in

Here’s what you get when you join the Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp

  • Have a 15-minute conversation in a new language after just 90 days of learning.
  • Weekly group coaching calls with expert language hackers including Benny Lewis and Shannon Kennedy.
  • 1-to-1 direct messaging guidance and support from our team of coaches.
  • Easy to follow language missions that get results and take you step-by-step towards your goal of speaking your new language in confident conversations.
  • Proven strategies to build your own learning path that works best for your learning style, personality and lifestyle.
  • Data-driven learning methods - we've helped thousands of students reach their language goals, and we’ve taken what’s most effective to put together a custom coaching experience.
  • Accelerate your language learning with our combination of coaching, action-steps, real community and personal reflection.
  • Track your results. You'll be able to see your language learning progress in real time, so you can look at how far you've come.

A key part of Bootcamp is that we support you in finding the time and passion to put the work into learning a new language. To complete this 90-day program, your commitment will be 45 minutes per day, from November 4th, 2024.

So whether you want to:

  • Travel the world
  • Embrace new experiences
  • Fall back in love with languages
  • Finally be able to speak your new language
  • Open your mind to other cultures and worldviews
  • Make new friends who love languages as much as you do
  • Stop jumping from one course to the next - and finally start learning

…with the Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp, you’ll get the keys to unlock rapid language learning and start speaking a new language in confident conversations.

Reserve your spot in Bootcamp here:

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Benny Lewis' signature Shannon Kennedy's signature

Benny Lewis and Shannon Kennedy
Fluent in 3 Months

We look forward to seeing you inside!

Want to know more about Bootcamp? Read on below:

In Bootcamp, you’ll dedicate 90 days to put into practice our unique system for speaking a new language. We’ve designed this system as a “failsafe” process for learning a language. This means that as long as you follow the Bootcamp system (which takes 45 minutes a day, for 90 days), we guarantee it will work for you — or we'll give you your money back.

Bootcamp is designed to work even if you:

  • Have "no talent" for languages
  • Struggle to stay motivated to learn
  • Have tried and failed before to speak a new language
  • Are a total beginner, a "false beginner" or an intermediate learner
  • Feel nervous about having real conversations with native speakers
  • Want to learn for a specific reason. For a trip, for your loved one, for work.
  • Want to learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese… or any other language

We’ve designed the Bootcamp to work for people who have “no time” for learning a language. You’ll need just 45 minutes per day for Bootcamp. We’re confident that you can find this time in your day, and we’ll support you in doing this.

Join us here and have a 15-minute conversation
in a new language after 90 days:

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What is Bootcamp

Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp is a complete system for learning a new language to conversational level.

You'll learn unique methods to learn your new language smarter and faster — and we'll provide you with the support you need to put those methods into practice and actually start speaking your new language.

During the guided 90-day program we'll show you step-by-step how to learn a new language. We’ve invested thousands of hours in creating a method for language learning that is results driven - and with every new student who takes our programs, we’ll learn from their experience to further improve Bootcamp.

Tina Crouch headshot

“[When I started] I could fit probably everything I knew into less than 30 seconds. And at the end of the 90 days, I went past my 15-minute goal. I had a 30 minute conversation after 90 days!

Tina Crouch, Fi3M student

Please note that any testimonials on this page are from previous Fluent in 3 Months language programs.

The Bootcamp is an updated and completely revamped version of our previous language programs. We created the Bootcamp based on our learning from thousands of data points and feedback from previous students.

In developing Bootcamp, we focused on the methods and language hacks our previous students have found the most effective to get conversational, fast. You’ll get to try these for yourself in Bootcamp

Join us here and have a 15-minute conversation
in a new language after 90 days:

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We've asked thousands of language learners about their biggest barriers to speaking a new language

Here's what they’ve told us:

"I have no time to learn a language"

"I'm not talented at languages"

"I don't know how to find the courage to talk to people"

“I bought a million and one books but I don’t have the motivation to use them.”

"I get nervous when initiating a conversation"

“I have no idea where to begin.”

"I'm scared of making mistakes and looking stupid"

Do you identify with any of these comments?
We do, for sure.

When I (Benny) moved to Spain in my early 20's, I could only speak English. I lived there six months, and I was still terrified of starting a conversation in Spanish. I took Spanish classes. Even then, I didn't have the confidence to go out and talk to people.

Eventually something changed… and fairly quickly, I became fluent in Spanish and confident at speaking the language in real conversations.

It wasn't until I discovered my language learning method that things "clicked" for me.

What changed? I found that when you following the right method for language learning, you can:

  • Become a motivated language learner who always has time for languages
  • Find the grit to succeed at languages
  • Impress your friends with your language smarts
  • Make new friends from around the world
  • Have a 15-minute conversation in a new language after just 90 days

If you'd have told me these changes were possible while I was first learning Spanish, I would have told you it was too good to be true.

So don’t worry if you’re thinking that. I’d recommend you try my methods for myself – and if you want to do so in the Bootcamp, you’ll have the assurance of a 100% money-back guarantee.

Meet Your
Language Coaches

Benny Lewis and Shannon Kennedy

In Bootcamp, you’ll be supported by a team of expert language coaches, including our lead coaches Benny Lewis (founder of Fluent in 3 Months) and Shannon Kennedy (lead developer of Bootcamp).

I'm Benny Lewis!

Benny Lewis

You might know me as the author of the #1 best seller Fluent in 3 Months. Or you might have seen me profiled in National Geographic or speaking at TEDx.

Over the past 20 years, I've traveled to over 40 countries, become fluent in seven languages, conversational in another four and I've gotten by in another 12 languages.

Thanks to my adventures and the charm of my lilting accent I've been given the nickname Benny the Irish Polyglot.

As I mentioned just now, it hasn't always been this way.

Confession time...

When I started out with language learning, I didn't have a clue. Not a single clue. I'm not "natural" or "gifted" with languages. And I didn't consider myself a particularly dedicated learner.

How have I learned so many languages?

Here's what changed things:

  • I figured language is about communication.
  • It's about meeting interesting people.
  • It's about discovering new worlds.
  • It's a social thing.

So often, we make language learning about sitting at a desk, reading from a textbook. All the fun and passion are drained away. And language learning should be all about fun and passion.

I found that if I simply started speaking a language, from day one, and immersed myself in that language, I naturally picked it up.

I’m Shannon Kennedy!

Shannon Kennedy

I’m a busy mom with a career in the music industry and a passion for languages. I speak 16 languages, and I learned most of these using the methods you’ll discover in Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp.

I’m naturally shy, so it took some confidence building for me to start applying Benny’s “learn by speaking” method. So if you’re in a similar situation of thinking “how will I do this?” I know what you’re going through, and I’m here to help.

I’ve been supporting students at Fluent in 3 Months for over 7 years, and in that time I’ve seen thousands of language learners pursue their dreams and achieve incredible results. I’m excited for you to do the same!

You can work with us in the Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp to reach your language dreams.

Join us here and have a 15-minute conversation in a new language after 90 days:

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Danni Fowler headshot

“I had never had a conversation in Spanish before this challenge as I never thought I was ready. Doing this challenge and having the support & encouragement of everyone pushed me to do the thing I was too scared to do, talk!”

Danni Fowler, Fi3M student

Eamon Gilligan headshot

“I truly believe it is one of the best methods by which to go about learning a second language, third language, fourth language even. It’s fantastic.”

Eamon Gilligan, Fi3M student

We'll Show You How to Fall in Love With Languages

heart icon

Following our method, you'll open the doors to the adventure of language learning.

Here are just some of the things you can do once you know the real secrets to learning a second language:

Travel the World

  • Immerse yourself in a full cultural experience with every new place you visit
  • Have the confidence to live abroad
  • Understand the cultures you visit from the inside

Embrace Your Passion for Learning

  • Fall in love with language learning. It’s all about passion!
  • Stimulate your brain by reading books and newspapers in your new language
  • Get a broader perspective as you discover new ways of thinking
Brandon Santos headshot

"I wanted to talk to people in a different language, and that's definitely what this challenge will get you to do."

Brandon Santos, Fi3M student

Re-ignite Relationships

  • Have the confidence and courage to start a conversation with anyone
  • Impress your family and friends with your language skills
  • Learn how to blend in anywhere

Live Your Dreams

  • Find the overseas job you’ve always dreamed of
  • Meet new and interesting people
  • Make the most of every opportunity
Rechanne headshot

The [program] helped me see that anything can become possible. I took another leap of faith and signed up to travel abroad next summer. So big thanks to the [program] and all the participants. You all helped me see that I can do it.”

Rechanne, Fi3M student

Join us here and have a 15-minute conversation
in a new language after 90 days:

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What to Expect

The Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp is about speaking a new language now through having real conversations. We've found that this is the single most effective way to learn a language – and we’ve supported thousands of students who’ve discovered this for themselves through our programs.

Time and again students tell us “I always wanted to learn a new language, and I tried a million different techniques, but it only actually happened when I tried the Fluent in 3 Months method.

Now before we share the “secret” that makes this method so effective, there's an important question we want to answer:

"Fluent in 3 Months — Really?!"

We run a website called Fluent in 3 Months. Plus Benny has written a bestselling book with the same name..

So we’re often asked: "Is it really possible to become fluent in 3 months?"

The short answer is yes. If you're dedicated to learning a language and you can give 8+ hours per day for 3 months, then for many languages you will become fluent in that time.

What about if you're learning a language as a side project, alongside a busy life?

This is what we help our students do. Most of our students are working, raising kids or at college.

That’s why we designed the Bootcamp so you’ll only need 45 minutes per day.

When you follow the methods you’ll learn in the Bootcamp, that’s all the time you’ll need to make sure you have a 15-minute conversation in a new language after just 90 days.

What You Can Expect to Achieve in the Bootcamp

Here are some of the things people tell us they want to do when they're fluent:

  • Make friends around the world
  • Have real conversations with native speakers
  • Feel comfortable speaking their target language
  • Feel confident to travel to new places
  • Listen to music and podcasts
  • Watch TV and films
  • Read the news

These are great goals!

Plus, all things you can achieve in just 90 days. You don't need full fluency to do these things.

And here's the really exciting part...

Once you can do the above things in your new language, you'll find it rewarding and exciting to use your new language skills. You'll be ready to use your new language in the real world.

As a result, you'll feel excited to keep learning, and you'll reach fluency much faster than you otherwise would.

Join us here and have a 15-minute conversation
in a new language after 90 days:

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How Much Time You’ll Need for the Bootcamp

During the Bootcamp, you'll need to set aside 45 minutes a day for language learning. Over 90 days, you'll clock up around 50 hours of learning time.

If you use the right techniques — and we'll teach you the exact methods to use — then that's plenty enough time to get to conversational level.

After 90 days, you'll be ready for a 15-minute conversation in your new language.

In fact, we guarantee you'll have a 15-minute conversation.

Put the work in, and you'll have a 15-minute conversation by the end of the Bootcamp. Or we'll give you your money back.

Learning Materials and Resources - What You’ll Need to Invest

Bootcamp is a rapid learning method and coaching program. We are here along every step of the way to support your success. This means we’ll make recommendations for resources specific to your language as you progress. Alongside Bootcamp, you will need additional course materials specific to your language. We understand that you made a big investment in yourself by enrolling in this program. That’s why whenever possible, we make recommendations for free resources and have even partnered with some of our favorite tools to provide you with free trials.

There are occasions where, based on your personal circumstances, we’ll make recommendations for paid language learning tools. At times, paid resources will give you the best outcomes.

We highly recommend setting aside a budget for 1-1 language tutors during the Bootcamp.

Investing in additional paid resources, while it may be recommended, is not required. It’s entirely possible to complete Bootcamp without investing financially in other tools. If your coaches make recommendations for resources that have a cost, they will also make a recommendation for a free alternative.

Connor headshot

“I've improved an incredible amount over the last 90 days. I've come even further than I thought I would."

Connor, Fi3M student

The “Secret” of Why the Fluent in 3 Months Method Works

There are two things you need to do to learn a language. Just two.

Do these two things, and you'll be having confident conversations before you know it.

1. Speak with native speakers as much as you can.

Even when you’re a complete beginner. That means you’re practising the skill you actually want to learn. It’s also incredibly rewarding.

2. Stick with it.

This is the biggest challenge. Some people can just stick-with-it come what may, which is why they appear gifted at languages. But what you’re seeing is not actually a gift for languages. They’ve just learned to keep at it no matter what. Most of us need help with this.

These sound simple — but many language learners struggle with both of these things.We’ll show you exactly how you can do both of these in the Bootcamp. Once you've mastered these two skills, you'll never look at language learning the same way again.

Stacy headshot

“I know I never would have accomplished what I did these past 90 days without this formidable combination.”

Stacy, Fi3M student

Join us here and have a 15-minute conversation
in a new language after 90 days:

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Is the Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp Right For You?

The Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp is the most effective way I've found to learn a new language.

But it's not right for everyone.

Do these two things, and you'll be having confident conversations before you know it.

The Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp is right for you if:

  • You're ready to commit to an intensive language project — 3-4 hours per week for 90 days
  • You want to make new friends who love languages as much as you do, and who will encourage you to keep learning
  • You’re willing to be coached and given feedback on your learning
  • You're keen to experiment with new methods for learning a language
  • You're willing to step outside your comfort zone
  • You're age 18 or over

The Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp is NOT For you if:

  • You want a quick and easy fix for speaking a new language
  • You can't give 3-4 hours a week to language learning
  • You believe language learning can only take place in an official classroom environment
  • You want to learn alone and so you won't take part in the community
  • You want to stick with the ways you've always learned, and don't want to try new things.
  • You like to stay well inside your comfort zone

Hold a 15-Min Conversation
with a Native Speaker in 90 Days

Debs headshot

“Without a doubt THE best thing I’ve done in my French learning journey.”

Debs, Fi3M student

Join us here and have a 15-minute conversation
in a new language after 90 days:

Yes! I want to join - show me the options

Bootcamp starts in


  • Have a 15-minute conversation in a new language after just 90 days of learning.
  • Weekly group coaching calls with expert language hackers including Benny Lewis and Shannon Kennedy.
  • 1-to-1 direct messaging guidance and support from our team of coaches.
  • Easy to follow language missions that get results and take you step-by-step towards your goal of speaking your new language in confident conversations.
  • Proven strategies to build your own learning path that works best for your learning style, personality and lifestyle.
  • Data-driven learning methods - we've helped thousands of students reach their language goals, and we’ve taken what’s most effective to put together a custom coaching experience.
  • Accelerate your language learning with our combination of coaching, action-steps, real community and personal reflection.
  • Track your results. You'll be able to see your language learning progress in real time, so you can look at how far you've come.

Join Bootcamp here to access 90-days of personalized language coaching:

Yes! I want to join
Group icon

Want to join with a friend or with others you know? We recommend learning together! Email [email protected] for group rates.

Refund policy: If a purchase was made in error, simply reply to any of our emails to let us know you'd like a refund within one week of purchase.

Delivery policy: Upon payment, you'll have access to a digital database of tools, to a community that includes coaches, and other entirely digital product accesses. As such, no return is necessary.

Cancellation policy: After the first week, refunds are only offered to those it was seen have participated in Bootcamp throughout the 3 months, by checking in and participating in calls and attempting the tasks assigned to the best of your ability. If you feel at the end of the 3 months that you did not find it helpful, simply reply to any of our emails to request a refund.

© Fluent in 3 Months. All rights reserved.